Complex news


Papaya is a source of income

On the initiative of the internal water supply facility chief U. Normurodov and shop worker A. Kayumov a papaya tree is grown in a greenhouse of the internal water supply facility.


Foreign partners visit

On March 12-13, 2019, a visit of specialists of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc LLP to the complex was held in accordance with the program approved by the Chairman of the Management Board of Uzbekneftegaz B.Sidikov on March 11, 2019.


Dear women! 

On behalf of the staff of Shurtan gas chemical complex LLC, we sincerely congratulate you on March 8 - International Women's Day.We wish you all happiness, joy, welfare and prosperity! Administration of the complex andTrade union committee


A thrilling journey for women

On the eve of Womens Day, the leadership of the « Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex» LLC organized an exciting, unforgettable and perfectly organized trip. Special thanks to the travel company “FLY TOURIZM” represented by Shoabdurahmanova Dinara for services rendered, including many transfers in a bus with a soft and well-kept interior, staying at a hotel, well-organized food and a thoughtful menu, interestingly planned route and informative excursions.


The meeting of the military men with the youth

In order to educate young people in the spirit of military patriotism and to familiarize the young people with the country’s military posture and readiness, on February 22, 2019, an open day for youth of the complex was organized by the primary organization of young people’s union in a military unit of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the leadership of Colonel Abdulla Adkhamovich.The demonstrated training exercises made a positive impression on the young.


The project “The art of living in society” continues 

The Women's Committee of Shurtan gas chemical complex continues the project “Art of living in society”. On 12th February, 2019, the next training was held with the participation of file clerks of shops, departments of the complex, and separately in the settlement with participation of women from housing and utilities service. During the training, participants discussed the question: “How to live in right way?” and received information about important features and aspects of a good life in society.


 “Education in the XXI century. Singapore Experience"

At the end of January, a group of pedagogues from the pre-school education establishment “Erkatoy” took part in a training seminar in Tashkent organized by the Center for Development of pedagogues “ZIYO MUALLIM” in cooperation with the Department of Educational Consulting of Singapore “Educare International Consultancy”, where they studied the Singapore training system.


Collective agreement - the key for social protection and the rights of workers

Collective agreement - the key for social protection and the rights of workers The trade union committee of Shurtan gas chemical complex LLC together with the employer held on February 1, 2019 training for leaders of trade union committee of shops, departments and services. This seminar was attended by representatives of the employer, a group of workers of the primary trade union organization, active members, and chiefs of departments, shops and services of the Complex.