Announcement for open contest
Lot number 428
Category Laboratory instruments, equipment and machinery
Lot started date 02-07-2019
Deadline for proposals 31-07-2019
Delivery time (calendar day) 30
For questions +998 75 552 40 11
Special terms
Terms of payment: / Условия оплаты: 100% payment after delivery or doc. Irrevocable L/C  Документарный аккредитив или 100% оплата по факту поставки
Required information:/ Необходимая информация: Price Цена
Delivery time Срок поставки
Technical specification Техническая спецификация
Tariff or Customs codes for the goods Коды ТНВЭД
Cost of insurance Стоимость страховки
Cost of transportation Транспортные расходы
package and dimensions Тип и габариты упаковки
Country of origin Страна происхождения товара
Contact details: /Контакты e-mail:  
  Tel.: +998 75 552 40 11
# Name Quantity Characteristics
1 Water Pump Kit/ Набор водяного насоса (Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
7601597(part #/ парт номер)
2 Left water tank/ левый водяной бачок (Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
5076795 (part #/ парт номер)
3 Right water tank/ правый водяной бачок(Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
5076750 (part #/ парт номер)
4 Cell Assembly Kit / комплект электролизного элемента(Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
7601595 (part #/ парт номер)
5 Цифровая плата/ Digital board(Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
7101277 (part #/ парт номер)
6 Control board/ Плата управления (5091276D)(Hydrogen Generator spare parts, Model 9800. Manuf: Whatman instrument (England)) 2 piece
7101276 (part #/ парт номер)

The participants of the competition can send commercial offers and other documents related to competitive bidding on purpose, by mail, fax and e-mail on the following specified requisite:

The requisites of the customer:

Name of the customer: LLC "SHURTAN GAZ KIMYO MAJMUASI"
Mailing address: 180300, Kashkadarya region, Guzar district, Shurtan settlement
Official site: Section: "Contests"
E-mail address:
Fax number: +998 75 552-40-16

List of necessary documents attached to the commercial offer for participation in the competition:

  • Certificate of state registration
  • The license for wholesale (in case of delivery of goods)
  • License or permission to perform works or services (in the case of the supply of works or services).

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