Announcement for open contest
Lot number 373
Category veterinary medicine
Lot started date 15-04-2019
Deadline for proposals 25-04-2019
Delivery time (calendar day) 10
For questions (+998)75 552-41-46
Special terms

*Олдиндан тулов 15%  

*Махсулот курсатилган техник талабларга тулик мос келиши керак;

# Name Quantity Characteristics
1 вакцина против ящура 1200 piece
2 вакцина Эмкар (корасон) 2.3 litres
3 вакцина Сибирская язва 565 piece
4 радиовакцина 5.7 litres
5 пенистрин 400 10 litres
6 лемохин 100 (или 200) 10 litres
7 телозин 50 (или 100) 10 litres
8 тетрамаг 3 litres
9 роленол 35 litres
10 боймик 8 litres
11 бутачин 50 10 litres
12 ситринвет 25% 21 litres
13 натрий хлор 10% 20 litres
14 глюкоза 5%-40% 20 litres
15 кофеин 10 set
16 стрептомицин 100 set
17 новокаин 50 set
18 Анальгин, демедрол 50 set
19 витамин 12 20 set
20 кальций хлор 20 set
21 кальций глюконат 20 set
22 Аскорбиновая кислота 20 set

The participants of the competition can send commercial offers and other documents related to competitive bidding on purpose, by mail, fax and e-mail on the following specified requisite:

The requisites of the customer:

Name of the customer: LLC "SHURTAN GAZ KIMYO MAJMUASI"
Mailing address: 180300, Kashkadarya region, Guzar district, Shurtan settlement
Official site: Section: "Contests"
E-mail address:
Fax number: +998 75 552-40-16

List of necessary documents attached to the commercial offer for participation in the competition:

  • Certificate of state registration
  • The license for wholesale (in case of delivery of goods)
  • License or permission to perform works or services (in the case of the supply of works or services).

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