Announcement for open contest | |
Lot number | 106 |
Category | Services |
Lot started date | 06-04-2018 |
Deadline for proposals | 18-04-2018 |
Delivery time (calendar day) | 10 |
For questions | (+998) 75-552-41-44 |
Special terms |
* 15% oldindan to‘lov, qolgan 85% ish bajarilgandan so‘ng; *xizmat ko‘rsatilgan texnik talablarga to‘liq mos kelishi kerak; * Mahsulot buyurmatchining omborigacha yetkazib berilishi shart; * Tarozi modeli: Mettler Toledo IND-780 *Ishtirok etuvchi kompaniyaning Sertifikati yoki dillerlik faoliyat yuritish uchun «КЕМЕК Ingenering», Rossiya yoki Metler toledo kompaniyasining ruxsatnomasi. *Ishtirok etuvchi kompaniya mutaxassislarining «КЕМЕК ingenering», Rossiya yoki "Metler Toledo" kompaniyasining maxsus sertifikatiga ega bulishi kerak . |
# | Name | Quantity | Characteristics | |
1 | Shurtan gaz kimyo majmuasidagi temiryo'l va avtomobil tarozilariga texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun ochiq tanlov e'lon qiladi | 2 piece |
Ma’lumot olish uchun telefon orqali bog'lanishingiz mumkin (0375)5524144 |
The participants of the competition can send commercial offers and other documents related to competitive bidding on purpose, by mail, fax and e-mail on the following specified requisite:
The requisites of the customer:
Name of the customer: LLC "SHURTAN GAZ KIMYO MAJMUASI"
Mailing address: 180300, Kashkadarya region, Guzar district, Shurtan settlement
Official site: Section: "Contests"
E-mail address:
Fax number: +998 75 552-40-16
List of necessary documents attached to the commercial offer for participation in the competition: