Announcement for open contest
Lot number 183
Category Services
Lot started date 22-05-2022
Deadline for proposals 30-05-2022
Delivery time (calendar day) 5
For questions +998 75 552 4659
Special terms
E'lon marketing izlanishlar olib borish maqsadida berilmoqda/ Объявление предоставлено с целью проведения маркетингового исследования./ The announcement is given for the purpose of conducting marketing research
# Name Quantity Characteristics
1 15 turdagi avtotransport vositalariga shinalari ekspluatatsiya me’yorlarini ishlab chiqish ishlanmasi 1 piece

ГОСТ 14.322-83 asosida Oz Dst 999:2001 hamda Oz RH 52.006:2009 talablariga muvofiq 


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