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Очиқ танлов аукцион савдо

"Шуртан ГКМ" МЧЖ бўйича Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Махкамасининг 2017 йил 29-июндаги 443-сонли карори, 2018 йил 25-августдаги 685-сонли карори (1-2-илова) ҳамда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 11 октябрдаги ПФ-5552-сонли Фармонига кўра очиқ танлов аукцион савдоларига қўйилган объектлар


Вниманию учащихся 11-х классов школ, выпускных курсов академических лицеев  и колледжей!

Региональное подготовительное отделение Российского государственного университета нефти и газа (НИУ) имени Ивана Михайловича Губкина в Кашкадарьинской области   ПРОВОДИТ ЦЕЛЕВОЙ ПРИЁМ НА ПЛАТНЫЕ 2-Х МЕСЯЧНЫЕ ПОДГОТОВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ КУРСЫ (август – сентябрь 2019 г).


Business Trip To Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex Has Been Organized

During a business trip, the museum of Shurtan Gas and Chemical Complex, LLC has been visited, the exhibits of which aroused great interest among visitors. Twenty young people with potential for entrepreneurship, as well as the unemployed segment of the people have been involved in this business trip.



On May 10, 2019, has been hold a meeting in the small conference hall of the complex in connection with the creation of Environmental Party of Uzbekistan on January 8, 2019, the main goal of which is to achieve sustainable development, to provide environmental safety, to provide fulfillment of state policy aimed at preserving comfortable natural resources for the present and future generation, to help to understand that protecting of environment and conserving of natural resources should be duty of state, society and everyone citizen of this country.


Festive event held On

May 8, 2019, a festive event was held for the participants of the Afghan war on May 9, the Day of memory and honor in the settlement of Shurtan gas chemical complex LLC.


Barcha jismoniy va yuridik ishbilarmon va tadbirkor shaxslar diqqatiga!

"Шуртан ГКМ" МЧЖ бўйича Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Махкамасининг 2017 йил 29-июндаги 443-сонли карори, 2018 йил 25-августдаги 685-сонли карори (1-2-илова) ҳамда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 11 октябрдаги ПФ-5552-сонли Фармонига кўра аукцион савдоларига қўйилган объектлар


«Sho'rtan gaz kimyo majmuasi» MChJning material buyurtmalarni bajarish xizmati ishchisi Hamraeva Dilafro'zning “Dilsuyanchim onajon” kitobining taqdimot marosimi to'g'risida ma'lumot

2019 yil 19 aprel kuni “Sho'rtan gaz kimyo majmuasi” MChJning kichik majlislar zalida majmuaning material buyurtmalarni bajarish xizmati ishchisi Hamraeva Dilafro'zning “Dilsuyanchim onajon” she'riy kitobining taqdimot marosimi bo'lib o'tdi. Ushbu marosimni majmuaning ijtimoiy rivojlantirish bo'yicha bosh mutaxassisi U.Xonqulov kirish so'zi bilan ochdi.


Singapore’s experience is accepted in preschool educational establishment

To achieve the purpose, educators from the preschool educational establishment “Erkatoy” regularly study and implement innovations in their activities. Attending seminars in Tashkent to study the Singaporean education system has shown us the need to develop essential skills in children, such as cooperation, communication, critical thinking and creative problem solving.