Announcement for open contest
Lot number 861
Category Сhemical products
Lot started date 05-01-2022
Deadline for proposals 13-04-2022
Delivery time (calendar day) 7
For questions +998 75 552 4146
Special terms
Эълон ушбу махсулотларни сотиб олиш мақсадида берилмоқда/ Объявление предоставлено с целью закупа
# Name Quantity Characteristics
1 Molekote 33M» юкори хароратли мойлаш махсулоти/ Смазка высоко температурная «Molekote 33M» / 100 kilogram

Ilovaga qarang/ См. вложение./ See attachment.

2 «SOLEST-68» (РОЕ) синтетик компрессор мойи /Синтетическое компрессорное масло «SOLEST-68» (РОЕ) 65 litres

Ilovaga qarang/ См. вложение./ See attachment.

3 Учэфир асосли SAE класс: 40 мм2/с ISO VG150 синтетик компрессор мойи / синтетическое компрессорное масло на основе триэфиров SAE класс: 40 мм2/с ISO VG152 25 litres

Ilovaga qarang/ См. вложение./ See attachment.

The participants of the competition can send commercial offers and other documents related to competitive bidding on purpose, by mail, fax and e-mail on the following specified requisite:

The requisites of the customer:

Name of the customer: LLC "SHURTAN GAZ KIMYO MAJMUASI"
Mailing address: 180300, Kashkadarya region, Guzar district, Shurtan settlement
Official site: Section: "Contests"
E-mail address:
Fax number: +998 75 552-40-16

List of necessary documents attached to the commercial offer for participation in the competition:

  • Certificate of state registration
  • The license for wholesale (in case of delivery of goods)
  • License or permission to perform works or services (in the case of the supply of works or services).

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